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Teacher, Carla Raushenbush
For nineteen years, I created and ran A Perfect Knot Yoga on Madison’s east side. I closed this studio and am currently teaching online via Zoom.
Once graduated from Bikram Choudhury's second formal 500 hr. teacher training in 1995, I added yoga instruction to my career as a professional Massage Therapist. I have continued my studies through various teachers and self study.  Since opening the yoga studio in 1996, I have taught 6 -11 classes per week and have  private yoga and massage clients.
You can expect me to always be kind and encouraging. We will utilize asana (poses) to increase the health of the joints, internal organs, bones, blood flow plus oxygenation and muscle contraction and release. Every practice, we will lower stress in the body and the mind. Self witnessing and recognizing cultural conditioning (that may crush our vitality, originality, and natural contentment) and then steadfastly casting it away is my main practice toward the yogic goals of truth, non-harming, contentment and self-knowledge. This exploration is present and encouraged during asana practice if one wishes. Understanding habitual reactions/patterns of the mind and witnessing our attitudes and perspectives from a step back are ways to find our own center. This ability to be calm, centered and non-judgemental amidst challenges allows clarity and kind intelligence to flow forth.
Useful anatomical and holistic health information will be offered and I understand something about dealing with illness as I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1982, when I was 20 yrs. old, and wear an insulin pump. I also have personal experience with depression and anti-depressant drugs. 
If you are pregnant, poses can be adapted appropriately and numerous women have used this class pre- and postnatally. 

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